If the idea of a Toddlers and parents only rave has you shook, here’s the bigger surprise: the event is sold out through April 2020. The Bay Area Children’s Theater in Oakland had a simple mission in mind: throw a dance party on Sundays at 10AM. “The idea of Baby Rave is an opportunity for parents to just have fun with their toddlers.”

“I had no idea what I was walking into,” said Oakland native Edward Hazzard III, aka DJ E.T., who has hosted Baby Rave for the Bay Area Children’s Theatre since it launched in 2016. “My first few years of deejaying was always for adults. There was an occasional middle school dance, because my wife was a middle school teacher, a few proms here and there — but never for babies.” While a few were ex-ravers, the majority were simply searching for something to do between breakfast and nap time. Amid skyrocketing rents and dizzying displacement, kids — and kids’ activities — are disappearing from the Bay Area.

In the video from the LA Times, kids are shown having a great time with toys and costumes that are provided for the 90-minute dance party. Considering the easy setup and popularity of the event here, the concept just May spread past state lines.

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