Porter Robinson proved his imagination has virtually zero limits with his new Virtual Self project. His new website reveals the impending release of all the new art and brand new material that he pushed out.

From the looks of things, the EP will be two-sided, with “Technic_angel” kicking off with the first Virtual Self single “Eon Break” and four other tracks: Key, Particle Arts, and two unknown IDs. The second half of the EP “Pathfinder” seems to focus more on darker tones as it leads with the dark house number ”Ghost Voices” as well as a preview for “A.I. Angel.” Three other tracks are listed but not ID’d as of yet. Under normal circumstances, we would tell you to wait for YouTube previews, but considering how detailed the website looks, we have a feeling that will be the main place to head in order to get all of the latest buzz.

Technic_Angel Tracks:

Eon Break
Key [unreleased]
Particle Arts [unreleased
2 unknown songs

Pathselector Tracks:

Ghost Voices
3 unknown songs

VIRTUAL SELF EP 11/29 ||| SONG PREVIEWS: www.virtualself.co

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