Embarking on a daring venture that harmonizes the worlds of K-Pop and EDM in the vibrant nightlife scene, Academy LA is introducing its new brand, Electrik Seoul, with a grand inauguration this Thursday, [May 2nd]. This flagship event uniquely blends the hottest K-Pop hits and top-notch EDM DJs, accompanied by Kandi, lightsticks, spiked boba drinks, soju offerings, and even a karaoke room. Electrik Seoul is a musical fusion destined to emerge in the heart of Hollywood’s nightlife.
Under the ownership of Insomniac, the renowned Academy LA has recently been crowned the #1 nightclub on the West Coast and #24 in the world in DJ Mag’s Top 100 Clubs poll. This exciting collaboration is not just about music; it’s about merging the venue’s unmatched event production expertise with the culturally rich experiences of K-Pop fans in the nearby K-Town, Little Tokyo, and more. It’s about creating a space where diverse communities can unite and celebrate their shared love for music and culture.
“As I witnessed the surge of K-Pop’s popularity in the US, I felt a deep desire to do something unique and bring the dance music rave experience that we’re renowned for to this emerging market,” shares Nino Lee, the producer and visionary behind the event. “Having been born and raised in Korea, this new brand holds a special place in my heart. I’m thrilled about the possibilities it holds for the Asian communities and beyond.” This personal connection ensures that the event is not just a business venture but a heartfelt endeavor to bring joy and cultural exchange to the community.
Already attracting the interest of Korean businesses, the official boba sponsor, Sunright Tea Studio, is creating specialty teas that will be served at Academy LA with and without alcohol. The event will also be the first time the venue serves Soju bottle service packages at the bar. Official sponsor Choice Music, a local K-Pop merch store, is even offering giveaways and more!
In the past six years, Academy LA has been known for hosting world-renowned artists every weekend and launching Day Trip on its patio as a small summer weekly that has grown into a multi-stage two-day music festival. In the same fashion, Insomniac Clubs hopes to continue reshaping the entertainment landscape in Los Angeles and beyond with this new event series.
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