Pasquale has done it again! The worldwide success and buzz from Virtual Beyond inspired the virtual rave-a-thon to continue. Taking us back to one of the last Insomniac festivals before coronavirus took over, Virtual Countdown was the event of the weekend to stream. This two-day virtual abduction took us out of this world while keeping us right at home. The lobby was transformed from going down the rabbit hole to being abducted by aliens. DJs looked like they were performing straight from a UFO and Pasquale was dressed with his iconic Countdown look. Who doesn’t love a man with a strainer on his head? Although not sure if Twinkies are found in space but more research does need to be conducted.

Day one consisted of Dombresky, SNBRN, DJ Soda, JVNA, Lost Kings, Tisoki and Peekaboo. Ookay closed out day one for this virtual rave after being unable to perform for Virtual Beyond. Day two was stacked with some fan favorites starting with Sacha Robotti, Sage Armstrong, i_o, Phantoms, Mat Zo, Medasin, and K?D. Coming out of hiatus, Flosstradamus closed day two and closed it RIGHT from playing his usual party anthem bangers to showing his Housetradamus side. If you haven’t already checked out the sets, you may find them below and comment on which one was your favorite?



DJ Soda





Sacha Robotti

Sage Armstrong



Mat Zo



Lost Kings


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